4 Benefits of Animals in the Workplace

Megan Sanders
6 min readMay 5, 2020

Let’s face it, even if we are completely happy in our career, work can be boring and stressful at times. And when your bored and stressed, procrastination sets in, subpar work is submitted, even meltdowns occur. That’s where cute, loving, supporting animals come in to save the day! And although there may be debate over whether animals should be allowed in the workplace, it is hard to deny the benefits animals can provide.

Stress and The Body

Our bodies are incredible machines. They help us navigate the world every day. So it is important to make sure we take care of them. Value them. That is why we want to make sure that we keep our stress levels low. Chronic stress, when stress is recurring and puts the body in a constant state of stress, affects the body negatively in many ways. Below is a list of just some of the ways stress can affect the body

  • Tension Headaches
  • Lower Back Pain
  • Shortness of Breath- this can trigger a person’s asthma or cause a panic attack
  • Rapid Breathing- this can trigger a person’s asthma or cause a panic attack
  • Hypertension
  • Heart Attack
  • Increased Cholesterol
  • Depression
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Mood Swings
  • Appetite Changes
  • Issues with the Reproduction System- In males, this could mean decreased sexual desire, fertility issues, or infections of the prostate, testes, and urethra. In females, this could mean irregular menstruation, increased cramping during pre-menstruation, decreased sexual desire, fertility issues, increased hot flashes in women going through menopause, or even cancer.

Woah, what a list! If you are thinking to yourself right now that stress causes far more damage than you originally thought…WAIT, there’s more! Many studies have been conducted on the effects of stress on the Central Nervous System. Here are the findings:

  • Memory Problems-Stress can cause your brain to literally LOSE Weight! Yes, extreme and ongoing stress can cause parts of the hippocampus to atrophy,die, therefore causing it to shrink. This could affect your ability to retain new information, therefore, causing a memory disorder.
  • Learning Issues- Stress can negatively affect the ability to retain new information, which, in turn, can affect one’s ability to learn.
  • Weakened Immune System- Your central nervous system is tied to your immune system. If you have a high level of stress, your immune system will not work to the best of its ability. This leaves you open to getting sick and developing disease.

Animals and Stress

Animal, pet, companion, best friend, fur baby. Whatever you might call them, it is hard to deny that animals are amazing creatures. I know I am never happier than when I am around animals. When I work from home, I frequently take breaks to play and pet my cat. I am always happier and more energized after taking a break to hang with my fur baby.

Studies have found that animals might even be better company than humans. Especially when it comes to dealing with stressful situations.

According to an article in the International Journal of Environmental Research, studies found that dogs in particular are great at lowering stress. No wonder they are often utilized as therapy, service and visitation dogs.

The article discussed a study on pets’ ability to provide social support to humans. It was found that ,” pets may serve as a source of social support, perhaps more effectively than a spouse or close friends.’

What is social support? Social support is thought to be the ability for social relationships, such as friendships, to lower stress. In the study, individuals were told to complete certain tasks. One group completed them with a spouse present, another group completed them with their pets present. The results showed that performance was better in those with pets present. The evidence suggests that pet friendships can be even more effective at lowering stress than human friendships.

This makes sense because animals do not criticize or judge us. They are a sympathetic ear to share our troubles.

4 Reasons Animals Should Be Allowed in the Workplace

1. Animals Reduce Work Related Stress

In a study on the effects of dogs on stress in the workplace cited in the International Journal of Environmental Research, “ employees who did and did not bring dogs to work completed a perceived stress survey several times throughout the work day63. Employees who did not bring dogs to work had significantly higher perceived stress than employees who did. To assess differences in stress, employees who brought their dogs to work were instructed to leave them at home two days a week during the one-week study period. On days when employees in the dog group did not bring their dogs to work, their stress levels increased throughout the day, matching the pattern of employees who never brought dogs to work”

Maybe a boss’s main goal is not to make all their employees happy but even if it is to make money, they cannot deny the fact that unhappy and stressed employees equals less money.

So, why not do the best they can to keep employee stress levels low? Allowing pets in the workplace would provide social support and lower stress while completing tasks. Just by being present, in the room!

Just like that, with as little effort as possible, a boss can benefit from allowing pets in the workplace, improving both their lives and their workers’.

2. Animals Allow for Brain Breaks

Taking breaks is important in any job field. Sometimes we might get so wrapped up in a project, we might forget that a brain break is important. Brain breaks are important to remain productive and prevent getting overwhelmed.

Animals in the workplace can help us remember to take them.

Imagine sitting at your desk, working away. Your eyes are beginning to strain, your neck tightens with stress related tension as each minute ticks by excruciatingly slow. You look up for a second and notice your pet staring back at you longingly. You decide to give them a quick pet, not stopping to think about it or stop yourself. In turn, now your eyes are taking a break, your mind is taking a break, and you’re not only benefiting yourself but also your attention loving animal.

After a minute or so, you turn your attention back to your work. Your work seems a little less overwhelming. You feel like you can complete it with ease. You push on with little to no tension in your shoulders. Life is good. Maybe you will even have the energy to go home and cook a healthy meal. All because you had your furry friend’s support.

3. Animals Have Proven their Support

Service animals are animals dedicated to helping individuals with disabilities live their daily lives. The fact that animals have been identified as vital in the safety and recovery of people with certain disabilities points to their importance.

Besides service animals, there are also visitation animals. Visitation animals are brought to places such as hospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes and many other settings with the goal of cheering up those that they visit.

But I ask, why does a person have to be sick or lonely in order for it to be deemed important enough for an animal to visit. By immersing our everyday lives with animals, we could reap their benefits all of the time.

4. Animals in the Workplace Can Benefit Shelters

Humans do not have to be the only ones benefiting from animals in the workplace. There is always the possibility of hosting shelter days where animals are brought in from shelters to spend time with employees.

This option would give employees without pets the ability to reap the stress reducing rewards while also allowing shelter animals the all important socialization hours they need.

Bonus: Maybe a shelter animal will find it’s forever home!

Originally published at https://www.megansandersagency.com.

